Life! :) Sometimes gets in the way

Just a shout out to @Steampugs and @Grubby … of course my side kick, my vape bro… @SessionDrummer@Rocky02852 @SmilingOgre aww heck I can not tag everyone and I dont want to leave anyone out!! :slight_smile: so tag you are it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t vape much at all these days… I still look at a few 4oz bottles of juice and my vape gear… my mixing… haven’t mixed a thing in over 6 months now, if not longer… No new recipe creations since the last one I posted, gosh knows where… has been winding down. I gave all my files, website, FB group and page back to Flavorah… and I miss my guys from there… :slight_smile:

I am now promoting a famous blues musician, who travels the world. I have done a few travels the last month, 5 states in under 3 weeks and tired! But… I am happy. I am also repairing vintage sewing machines as well as creating patterns for hand made instruments. I get to meet some really cool people, listen to amazing music… and if this is what it is… yeah, I am super happy! Life is meant to be lived and lived well! :sunglasses:

I do miss everyone… from this site to others… but I know you all are off doing you… and you should be!! One vape at a time!

I never thought I would stop mixing and vaping… been doing it for over 15 years now this May… and I did it all due to my mom… and her dying from a massive heart attack. I did it for my boys, and I did it for me. I have made some amazing friends, helped in so many businesses… and learned we are all just humans looking for some simple satisfactions. I am living proof that one can put the smokes down, pick up vaping and learn to live without smelling like the garbage can out of a pub… :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow… anyways, wanted to give an update… and stop in for a quick Hi… :slight_smile: hope life is treating you well… and carry on mixing, experimenting and learning! Off and running now… too much to get done. I will be moving near the Poconos soon and downsizing quiet a bit… :slight_smile:

Remember, take care of you… do what is right, eat and play just as hard as you work! You matter :slight_smile: Not a good bye… will jump in when I can… Peace! :beer: :sunglasses:


Well, this is sad news and good news at the same time. It’s a huge loss to us vapers & mixers and the vaping world in general, but as long as you are happy, that is the important thing.

I didn’t really get to know you much @SmokyBlue but your reputation goes a long way and your amazing recipes will go being used by many, I’m sure, for many years to come.

I hope you pop in whenever you can to keep us plebs updated on how you’re doing.

Take care Smoky!

PS, Can I haz ur vape stuff? :rofl: Kidding!


Good for you!!! Bravo!

My ultimate goal would be to vape like a rare snack. Have a vape around but pick it up maybe once a week on an evening for a few tokes. Not something I’m tied to. Glad to hear you’re having fun with your musical adventures. I’ve pretty much always enjoyed doing shows especially if I get fed! Used to camp in the Poconos when I lived in NJ. Beautiful country out there. I’m still immersed in playing with cameras. Got some projects scheduled over the next year. Life in the hood is good. Wife and cat are doing well. I’ve eaten all the neighbors I don’t like so only the good ones are left. Makes for a nice place to come home to. Hope to hear from you soon again! Take care and be safe.


You sound great @SmokyBlue :beer: Keep having a blast :beers:


We’ll always be here @SmokyBlue , feel free to call in anytime you like, super happy you’ve found a whole load of happy :sunglasses::+1::+1::ok_hand::raised_hands:


Great to hear from you and congrats!


That’s great Smoky :hugs:, nice seeing ya pop in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I do get down to the Poconos once a year (except the last couple due to virus), my wife is from that area. Maybe bump into ya sometime… you’ll smell the Milk N Honey coming :laughing:


That’s exciting news @SmokyBlue, AND, a LOT of it !!!

Somehow the vaping community, especially the DIY part seemed a lot quieter since you took a break. I’m super glad that the management, and vintage sewing machine thing is working out. I’m guessing you ARE coming back up to PA ??

It seems like just yesterday …

My anger over the NEW FLV Tips !!!

And WHO could EVER forget …

And of course, WHO will I blame for THIS now ?? !!!


That reminds me, I still have some One Shots to yet mix up :+1:
Including a couple of custom tailored mixes…


My son is going up for Easter for a visit… maybe a week… but once I am there, will let you know. You both are more than welcome to drop by the house and hang around! :smiley: My buddy in Saylorsburg says they have a few markets up there, so I will be toodling around… no telling where I will end up :slight_smile:

Ahhh SD… maybe will make it to your neck of the woods and grab some coffee and bbq!!! havent the years been fun?? I do miss everyone and yes it does seem so quiet… I dunno why… I just have not had the time to post everywhere and even on fb… I still pop up my funky pictures… but I dont have the time to chat like I used to… could be a good thing… yes believe it or not I try to stay out of trouble… :stuck_out_tongue: most the times!! :smiley:

Not like I am going away… I just dont vape as much as I used to… Im still going to keep some things around… watched a few of my friends back slide… so yeah… just for in case :slight_smile:

wow… you still havent mixed those up, Rocky??? wth??? lol move it, mix them up… heck even I forgot about those!! gee… :stuck_out_tongue: :angel: :rofl: :rofl: