LETHAL RTA - At long last giving it a go!

A couple of years ago I got the Lethal RTA which is a single coil, bottom airflow RDL RTA designed by GM Mods (better known as GM Coils) and manufactured by QP Design in Canada!

Since buying it I started vaping much more exclusively MTL but after receiving some different gauge Titanium and SS430 wire samples from @Wayneo I thought this could be the perfect time to give it a whirl!


I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this one mate. It looks very interesting.


No leaking, airflow so smooth using the honeycomb insert! I much prefer the smaller 510 drip tip and tighter draw of MTL but for those who like RDL this is in my opinion topping the blotto’s and Arbiters or is it down to this Titanium wire?


That’s one thing that I wouldn’t know because I have only ever vaped in straight wattage mode and wouldn’t know where to start with TC.
Thanks for letting me know though mate as it sounds like a great RTA.


This also will take a nice sized coil, to get the ohms I was after wound a 3.5ID coil using the 24ga Titanium wire, 8 and half wraps with my usual totally uneven spacing, but that’s the way I rock and roll, remember no prize for artistic impression!

I then like the dimwit I can be forgot about it being a TC wire and pulsed it a few times instead of putting it on my mod and going into TC to do it, luckily it survived the few 14W short pulses but deffo a don’t do this at home moment!


Today vaped in TC then tonight switched to Replay, such a clean flavour and smooth vape!


It’s also a bayonet style top cap for quick filling! I do like the look of the 2 drip tip bases and then screw in one of 6 different coloured toppers but I just always use my own!


Thanks for sharing your build photos, very much appreciated. That setup you have looks beautiful mate I must say. On different note I am glad that I am not the only one who is up until stupid o’clock in the morning UK time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


2 Days in and this is a beauty, bare in mind I prefer MTL yet I am thoroughly enjoying the Lethal!


That’s excellent news mate and I’m very pleased for you. To think that you have had this RTA all of this time and only now are you using it and realising just how good it is just goes to show that we don’t always realise the potential of what we already have before going out and buying the new best thing. What a lovely surprise.


You also have to give this Titanium a go mate, never bothered much with TC until Replay feature was released by Evolv (TC for lazy gits like me), after trying Titanium I would be using this even if Replay wasn’t invented. It’s just a cleaner flavour and much smoother consistent vape!


Tim, while in TC did you look at DM to determine the ‘start below’ watts, then move up slowly?

Surprisingly, there was a dude very recently that shows exactly what you’re doing. Titanium in TC, coil temperature (below the temp set) flatlined like I told you based on set watts.


I just went into TC, chose titanium and changed temp to 470, watts at 30 I believe. Didn’t seem right so checked TCR as this mod I bought second hand to find it was 0.0006 so changed that to 0.00350 and then it vaped great. When I changed to replay I slightly altered wattage but that was it. One of the reasons I didn’t vape using TC before was because trying to understand the jargon so for example most of this:

Goes straight over my head and makes me feel a bit thick, lol

All I know is it’s giving a really nice vape and also did test running the tank dry and it throttled back and then temp protection kicked in.

The only issue I have had is when it asks if it’s a new coil which only happens when it’s been standing a few hours so basically when I go to vape after waking up and choose yes it gives a very weak vape (literally about 10w it feels with no warmth) and to solve it I have to unscrew the atomiser and screw it back on and then it’s 100% fine again!


That’s while in Replay I ran the tank down!