Juul junk mailing via USPS

My thoughts? Juul gives me a case of the ass. I really can’t get beyond that to think deeper. The FDA gives me a case of the ass. The CDC gives me a case of the ass. Do you see a pattern here? Tobacco companies give me a case of the ass. Our Gooberment gives me a case of the ass. Any yet? How Juul got your name, I have no idea. I don’t read every 500 page privacy policy I’m sent. The ones I have read are indecipherable. I anticipate getting every POS mailing if not directly via “every door direct” mailings. I have a trash can between the mailbox and the home entry for them. Emails, I simply mass delete prior to opening until I get bored one day and click on all the unsubscribe links. Calls, I simply don’t answer unless I feel like fucking with someone that day. Oh Saheeb!, I don’t do drugs. They are bad for you! Do you do drugs? It sounds like you do. You should quit.


I’ve got a few thoughts, as well as questions.

Reads as physical mail (to me anyways).
Was it email or traditional mail?

Though, with the mention of the option to “unsubscribe”, it sounds more like email…

If that’s the case, yet you have never purchased from them (again lending to the email leaning)… Then I’d chalk it up to spam. Translation, NONE of it holds weight. :wink: In which case I’d not suggest any type of followup. Else you alert the spammer to the fact that your account is a valid target for future reference, and/or you end up communicating with an entity (“Julie” in this case), and I don’t think highly of anything that could come from that.

Here it sounds like traditional mail again…

If it’s email, you certainly will if you continue to continue to open them! :crazy_face: :wink:

If it’s in fact a traditional snail-mail (USPS), ten that really opens up a whole new conspiracy theory. :flushed: :nauseated_face:
Simply because, if neither of you have ever been customers, yet someone took the time and expense of having printed materials done, and mailed… Then it’s an obvious attempt at further swaying public opinion. (In your case, mission accomplished. Outrage, shock, displeasure, etc)


I’m really hoping this was via email.
Because the other is on a whole new level of WTF?!?!? And I wouldn’t have dreamt of that level of ‘deranged’ (at least, not before pondering all of the how? why? and huh? of how this could have been done via printed material. :laughing:

:confused: blinks :confused:


One time, I got an email saying that Nikki was in town and wanted to meet me. Said she was horny too. Turns out it was a spam.

Now she and her 10,000 friends who apparently like to come to town for sex and then leave won’t stop filling my Spam box.

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As long as you never try to fill one of their spam boxes, you should be good to go! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And the title says USPS, so the plot thickens!!!

Yeah, I obviously missed that.
And then combine that with “Normally I just toss my daily assortment of junk mail but I did open this since it was Juul.” obviously didn’t register fully…

Not firing on all cylinders right now evidently.
My apologies

In that case, the FIRST thing I’d do is call Juu Le, give them the printed customer number, and try to finesse my way into finding out the name associated with the number (without providing it first of course); see if they match.


With the random nature of email, I would have been very surprised if they both got JUUL email at the same time. But to a physical address, different deal.

By the way, I can’t edit my posts yet so when I have random thoughts to add, as I often do, it has to be a new post. So I will be tiresome for a while.

With it being snail mail, it sounds very much like you both filled out an online petition or something and they culled that list.

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Or you put both of yourselves on a petition to increase people count.

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I know you need to have real names and addresses in some cases, like official mailings and such. But for other things, I always use a fake name. That way, when I receive unsolicited mailings, I know the original source by who it is addresses to.

Example, I once entered a drawing for a new truck. I used the name Ignatius Montleban. I obviously didn’t win, (no one does), but I got junk mail addressed to him as long as I lived in my previous house. Not even related to the truck or the company.

There are tons of address brokerages that sell addresses. There’s also a plethora of categories you can specify such as age, income, gender, average area income, etc. etc. etc. Mailing houses use programs like XM Pie in conjunction with Adobe In Design to personalize mass mailings by merging personal information from the broker.


Sorry for misunderstanding. Kind of took the thread a direction you hadn’t intended.

Yup, all of the above. Slimey bastards.


I engineered mailings for a mail house for a few years. I told people I built ski slopes. That’s what we do with large waste disposals here in Michigan.

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Oh no!!! You’ve been hacked! It’s the gooberment! Don’t touch your knob. We are in control. The cock suckers will take it from here!!!


You jinxed me, my mouse is playing up now. Changed the batteries and still it moves but L and R buttons do nothing. Fortunately I have a touch screen monitor.


You da man :crazy_face:


Thanks for unjinxing, it’s working again now.
Man you’re powerful.


Loads of people getting them and no one has any idea where juul got their mailing address.


Large investors are now looking to dump their positions in Juul, as it has lost more than a third of its private market value, and the e-cig maker also just announced it was firing 3,900 employees as it restructures its business. Perhaps the most significant development is Juul’s CEO Kevin Burns announced his resignation.


Yes as far as I know everyone getting it vapes however that may not be the case we may just not be hearing it from outside the circle.