Looks great! reminds me of my welding days in a Fab shop. specifically the part Mig welding aluminum parts. got a few rivet guns here, and a friend that works as a machinist that may be able to get the angle sheared and the angles for the support ribs you made. just no more Mig/TIG access for me to do the welding. Ill think on it for a bit. Thanks. now the runners? for the sliding drawers? I cant see what you used clearly @woftam
My current “juice storage” is in boxes and bags that I keep stored under my bar and have to drag out every time I mix,
So I have an old cabinet that’s big and deep that I’m converting into a concentrate cabinet,
Put a LED light inside and some NP racks today trial fit, still gotta make some shelves to fit more racks,
Working on setting up my mixing lab here in a spare room,
Thinking of going with an L-shaped set-up, was looking at file cabinets and table tops, but got a Stainless steel table coming Wednesday, it’s kitchen height but I’m gonna cut the legs down to desk height and move the bottom shelf up, ended up paying $105 delivered so that’s cheaper than 2 file cabinets alone!
I wish I would have found a Stainless Steel Work table at the time , but I found this for 109 when I bought it…
I never even thought of looking t Harbor Freight, 60” is a good size table. I ordered a 48” and it arrived 2 days early, damn I was exited when my wife called me at work and said it arrived, but those mother chuckers at Amazon Warehouse Deals sent me a 24” x 24” which is only 89 bucks new, wtf !
So it’s going back, they’re picking it up tomorrow. Gotta love the free shipping / free returns
So now I had to order different one for 130 bucks, says should be here in 2 days
Rock, I think you are going mental !!! ROAR, how many tables DID you buy ???
Ok, ok, let’s Sloooooooow this down. Mix up, some fresh, GG + BB, and re-assess.
Damn, your a mind reader Dman. That’s Exactly what I’m doing GG + BB
I only ordered 1 table but first time ever ordering “Warehouse Deals”, figured save a few bucks and if it had a few dings whateve, but 2’ x 2’ come on, oh well I’m still gonna get my table on Wednesday (hopefully)
Man, let’s just stop fucking around here, and screw the pooch already Rock. Let’s do a group buy !!!
Lol, well it’s made in chi-na so it must be top Q, and they accept Western Union payments
Yeah I’ll chip in, if you got the flavors, I got the…
Now that’s a nice set up Only problem is I store my concentrates in a fridge and am a firm believer in doimg so FOR MY NEEDS
Working on getting my Lab and juice storage set up today, got the SS mixing table put together and in place, I also ordered a 12” x 48” SS wall shelf that’s going above the table,
Then onto the flavor concentrates, before,
And after,
It’s coming into focus @Rocky02852.
Yeah, I’m really happy with what I got accomplished today, and still got room for maybe 18-20 more flavors , and then what
All my Savory flavors are still double freezer bagged sealed out in the garage because of (you know who)
I started putting them up with the TFA and was sorting alphabetically but that was a pita so just put the rest up by MFG
@Rocky02852 the only way I could keep sane, was to group by MFG, then alphabetically inside of that grouping. ANY/ALL other attempts failed.
Yeah I’ll get to the alphabetically sorting at some point, just a lot going on atm, I also ordered a new chair too and still wanna get some of those LED lights you posted in the other thread, but it’s hard to find maybe it was in the PUB category, for some reason none of those post show up in my drop down of recent post
Yeah @Rocky02852 I had a hard time finding it too.
Thanks Dman, added to my wish list. Pretty sure your post was in the pub category but seems like it’s a pita to find
Gonna have to look into that