How has your DIY routine changed over time?

Well, I can tell you right now that the investment is totally worth it for that very reason the ability for quick tweaks. I was so impressed with the results from the CG I spoke to @anon96069639 and got a bigger homogeniser for the not so diy tasks.

Pictured next to the big CG

It addresses 3lts of 80/20 with ease and I will be trying it with a bigger mix soon.
After a few minutes at full stick


I told myself & told myself tht I was gonna SFT every flavor I have had, but I think I did with like 5 of them…, but mann…, I’m impatient AF & I can’t wait on tht shit…, I tried vaping commercial juice while I mixed some of my own, until the other day., I mixed a few Gremberryfarms flavors to SFT…, although I’m not really sure where they’d work, a few sound like a single flavor by itself

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@woftam the closeup of those working heads is impressive. On that largest JUG (3L ??), how long would it take that to settle after homogenizing ?

Will probably take a good 24hrs at least here is a 9hr progress pic. The big jug is about 2 lt up the the glass seam


I’m outta likes brother, but DAMN, that is nothing short of impressive. I appreciate you taking the time, AND effort in posting those, because in this world of Hype, BS, and well MORE BS, there’s NO replacement for boots on the ground.

Impressive Simon. :slight_smile:


@woftam, while not wanting to derail this thread, were you able to churn that 3L jug with the big working head ??


I did a 3 lt mix yesterday and am vaping it right now (generally it sits 10 days before I can pick out all the elements) So i am pretty happy with the results so far - have not tested on a few mixes that I want to test on but so far so good


yup I did the full 3lt in a few minutes - when i remember i will run a video.


Wow, hehe, just wow. That is one HELL of a slug bowl (for lack of better terms) to churn up, on the fly, with one device. Even if you SUPER heated the VG, that is powerfully impressive. Looks like you made a good choice. I WOULD however appreciate it, if you could REFRAIN from posting ALL of your working heads, as it makes the rest of us feel bad !!!

:slight_smile: Thanks mate.


Can’t say about those large batches, but I know with smaller ones as I used to froth mixes with my Dremel and a brush attachment. It would aerate the hell out of the juice. I simple sat the vessel into my USC afterward and within 5 mins or so it would be free of froth and clear as glass.


Ya i would do the same but the usc isnt big enough for the big bertha to fit in.

When it was mixing the top of the mix was pretty much flat as in everything was happening under the surface it was cool a/f to watch it do its thang



I will NOT be posting any sexy pics or vids like @woftam, as mine system would be more like



You could just increase the frame rate so it looked like it was fast lol


You know what, I THOUGHT about doing that, but then it just felt too disingenuous.



Since @SmokyBlue keeps coming up with recipes there is no way I could just stop at a certain number of recipes. I figure I’m doing pretty good with just 4 for OTR (On The Road), but when I get home I want something else.


I can not help it… they just spring up in the middle of the night… saying mix it… you will love it !!! :smiley:
In fact I have 10 more I need to get posted up here before I loose my notes on them all…


Hehe see @SmokyBlue, if your recipes sucked, then you’d just be a PUSHER !!!

BUT, we all know they don’t, so you’re an ENABLER !!!


Can I help you vape that??? :stuck_out_tongue: :beers: :kissing_heart: