If we are lucky, it will be a better year than the last four.
Don’t get your hopes up though. In every science fiction story or movie that I’ve come across, the 21th century sucks.
Hi Jose, and Happy New Year to you, too!
Mariah Carey…
Happy New Year all - hope your holidays were tremendous!
The replicator didn’t work. Scotty is missing since 2020, I’m still waiting to be beamed up FFS!
You should get your crew some discipline for the New Year.
What can I say - always been a fan. Currently watching our way through Discovery and Picard…both have been excellent if you like Star Trek.
I’m right with you there. I think I can recite whole episodes.
I love Star Trek
It’s continuing mission: to go round and round on your television screen until you know each episode by heart
I know the feeling @Jose . Here where I live there’s a channel called “Heroes & Icons” (H&I). Six nights a week they run Original Series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, in order. All the Trek you can possibly want…