General nonsense

So. This one time, at VC camp… I cleaned an atty, dry burned a coil, and rewicked it in preparation for different eliquid.

(What? YES I’m bored) :crazy_face:

General Nonsense /salutes


So this one time at VC camp I sat reading about a guy who cleaned an atty, dry burned a coil, and rewicked it in preparation for a different eliquid.
Yep I’m bored too.:roll_eyes:


So this one time at VC camp i sat reading about a guy who read about a guy who cleaned an atty, dry burned a coil, and rewicked it in preparation for a different eliquid.


Alright! At least there’s a couple signs of life! :laughing:

Major Silliness /salutes


I remember one time at summer camp, a tornado blew through. It was awesome. All the wondows of the mess hall blew out at the same time.


I would have elaborated and spellchecked, but voop.

Anyway, that was a great storm, just about the best one I have been part of. Stupid scoutmaster was clueless about safety. He just let us all wander about during a massive severe storm that produced a tornado. I was in among the trees, getting soaked through my poncho and watching all the trees in the woods bend like slinky’s as the tornado rolled by. I was also within sight of the mess hall, and remember very clearly the thunderous wind and the sound of the glass windows exploding all at once. I was not scared; I was too amazed to feel anything. The sound of thunder echoing through the valleys is still vivid as well. Pretty much killed the rest of the week. Did not actually see the tornado. It was either too blocked by the trees wagging, or rain wrapped. Shame, that part.

I did see one, back around 2002 or so. I was driving home across Missouri in a nasty storm. The kind where the rain is so heavy people are driving 35MPH on the freeway. Anyway, as I approached Warrenton, off to my left I saw the sky was split in two… Half was deep green and half was nearly black. Oddest thing I ever saw. In the middle of that color split was a thin rope tornado snaking off in the distance. I was never in danger, and it seemed very thin and weak. But still cool, and the only twister I have seen with my own eyes. An F1 at the most, but still. I love living in Tornado Alley.


Ah, reading Phil’s storm stories has me pining for a good season next Spring. It’s been so long since we’ve had great action at the house.

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