Geekvape Loop RDA review by Mjag...RDA or RDTA?

Thank you for taking the time to view my review of the Geekvape Loop RDA which was provided free of charge by No other compensation was given or promises made, just asked for my honest review.


  • 24mm wide x 26mm high not including drip tip or 510
  • Airflow options for dual or single coil builds
  • Unique W shaped build deck
  • Surround airflow system transferring from side to bottom
  • One-piece airflow cap placed in a fixed position
  • Compatible with both 810 and 510 drip tips


  • Loop RDA with 810 drip tip
  • 510 drip tip adapter
  • 510 drip tip
  • Multi-tool wrench
  • User manual
  • Gold plated BF positive pin
  • Spare o’rings and grub screws

Available in 4 colors:

Getting to know the Geekvape Loop RDA

I love innovation, when a company steps out of the usual design process to bring us something different than the norm. Geekvape has done just this with the Loop RDA which features a unique W shaped build deck which enables side airflow that “Loops” around under the coils.

Another nice feature is the top cap is not only domed for better flavor but also included a notch which corresponds with the deck to ensure the airflow is always lined up perfectly.

Fit and finish is what you would come to expect with Geekvape, nearly flawless. My only gripes being the inner o’ring for the 810 drip tip was too loose for a lot of my other 810 drip tips, they went on but would come off easily. The grub screws are slotted, so are the spares. For me that was not a big deal as they are excellent but know others prefer hex grub screws so that may be a con to some.

The juice well is DEEP, 5mm deep is what Geekvape says and one of my favorite features of this RDA…So deep I was able to squeeze 3ml of juice in it when wicked. 3ml was pushing it and if I tipped it over to one of the airflow sides it would leak. 2ml is no problem though unless you lay it on it’s side. I love how much juice it holds and repeatedly fill it with 50 to 60 drops from a unicorn bottle, reminds me of some RDTA’s in that regard. No need to take the top off either, just drip right down the middle, easy peasy.

The o’rings around the base keep the cap on tight, maybe a little too tight but I would rather have that than too loose.


This is one of the easiest RDA’s to build on, the only con is for wide builds your leads will get twisted as the screws come in from the side. Being a postless deck you will also need to clip your leads before installing the coils.

No problems with single wire builds as well, here I am using 26g which can be tricky to trap the leads with some RDA’s.

Single coil builds are a snap as well, here I tried it to one side and used the single coil airflow on the top cap.

With only 1 airflow open it was a little too restricted for my taste so I tried a coil that was centered so both airflow holes would be open.

Ehhh, that last build not so much, flavor took a hit. The previous single coil build was better but this RDA really is better suited for dual coils IMO, at least you have the option though.

I did try a dual 3.5mm inner diameter build but that restricted airflow and heated up the top cap too much for my liking. I would suggest 3mm ID being the biggest unless you like a really hot vape.

Performance, will it throw you for a Loop?

Maybe I was expecting to be blow away due to the innovation, I wasn’t but I was still impressed. Flavor is just as good as some of my best RDA’s but I was expecting to get to another level. I really did expect to take my first hit and go whoa…that said I was still pleased, just maybe had my expectations set too high? With the exception of the 2 single coil builds and the large 3.5mm build every dual coil build provided excellent results. It was never a chore to build on or wick and I really enjoyed using it.

Probably my favorite feature is how much juice it holds, sure it has a squonk pin you can install which worked great with my various squonk mods.

But I found myself using it a lot more with some of my favorite non-squonk mods as I could go a while without having to drip.

Great flavor, cloud chucker and decent juice reservoir…what’s not to like?


  • 5mm deep juice well that holds 2 to 3ml depending on wicking
  • Innovative W deck design that really works to minimize leaking
  • Great flavor and a cloudy bastard
  • Squonk pin included
  • 810 drip tip and 510 adapter with included 510 drip tip
  • Great build quality and durable grub screws


  • Works fine for included 810 drip tip but o-ring loose for other aftermarket 810 drip tips
  • Slotted grub screws can be a con for some
  • Big builds can cause the top cap to get hot

Final thoughts

The best thing about reviewing is when you get something innovative that actually works, Geekvape has achieved that with the Loop RDA. They claim a design that minimizes leaking…check. Side airflow that gets redirected smoothly to under the coil for enhanced flavor…check. Deep juice well that holds as much as some RDTA’s…check. Sure does check a lot of boxes and delivers on there promises.

Is the Loop the best RDA…depends on what checks your boxes. My favorite feature is how much juice it holds so I can carry it with a smaller setup than my dual battery squonks for on the go. I love how it squonks but I tend not to carry my squonk mods around as they don’t fit well in my pocket.

Easy to build on, great flavor and decent juice capacity, hard not to like the Geekvape Loop RDA and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a dual coil RDA. Single coil RDA fans look elsewhere, you can do it but there are better choices out there for a single coil RDA.

I want to thank Maggie at for sending the Geekvape Loop RDA for review. She is excellent to work with and in my case patient as well, I got this over a month ago. There always competitively priced, you can find the Loop here: Geekvape Loop RDA Atomizer
Make sure and check out there clearance section as well, they have some great deals all the time: HealthCabin Clearance, Up To 90% OFF I just saw the Vandy Vape Pulse BF Box Mod in there clearance section for $19.99!

I do have more photos, I made an album to view the rest right here:

Check out how this stacks up to other tasty vape gear and meet the Steampugs team of reviewers. Your bound to have a good time and read up on some great products, not so great ones too


Awesome mate - great info. Always a pleasant informative read.


Thanks brother :+1:


Good stuff!! @Mjag thanks for the good read man!!


Thank you Eddie, appreciate it man!


Awesome review. I have been looking at the Loop. Great info!


Lookin good over here too!


Thank you Jim!

I am going to keep a look out for a second Loop if I run across a great deal this memorial day weekend. I like using RDA’s for TC testing and having 2 of the same makes it easier to get consistent results. I wish they had it in blue, love the blue geekvape uses and would scoop that up in an instant.

Thank you @SmilingOgre, your too good my friend!


Hey, with the number of products on the market and marketers all saying the same crap “enjoy great bla bla bla” these reviews are a life line. They have already saved me a shit ton of money.


I’m curious, what coil id did you use on the coil you mounted dead center? Seems like with that mounting position and both holes open you would need to go 4mm and use a slightly hotter coil to offset the extra airflow. Loved the review!


I used a 3mm ID coil dead center, thought about a bigger coil but was worried it would be too close to the airflow and my mouth, didn’t want to kiss the dragon and wind up with crispy lips. When I looked into the drip tip I could see the 3mm coil, that is when I thought…hmmmm, this might get hot. There may be a better way to get a single coil positioned in there for better results but for me the Loop just digs dual coil builds.

Thank you for the comments @SmilingOgre @anon96069639 and @Fishaddict420. I have been burned in the past by YT reviewers who if they spent more than a couple of days with an item would have found flaws. The biggest was the Vaporgate Dumptank 30mm that I spent $60 on and after 2 weeks was trash, top cap gets loose and the tanks loses pressure and yup…dumps all your juice, an unfortunately appropriate name for that tank.


There was some kind of mistake on my way to the grocery store. I think I drove through a wormhole or inter-dimensional portal and found myself buying a black Loop. I really dig the smoked glass look to the drip tip.


Hmmm, that happens to me a lot too, I was sure the grocery store was named VaporDNA, oh well, might as well not waste a trip :laughing:

Yeah, I dig the drip tip too, geekvape doesn’t skimp on the cool accessories. Let me know how you like it brother!


I don’t like it. I love it. Everything you said. Great flavor and nice thick clouds. One of those rare moments where you just take a nice long draw and have to smile. I really can’t think of any criticisms so far.
Silently sheds a tear


Thanks @Mjag as always a very informative and succinct review :+1:


Great review again, thanks :+1:


@Jim22 that is awesome to hear, really happy your enjoying it my friend :+1:

Thank you @Tworrs and @Grubby


Well, I’m here to tell you this atty sucks! So, If you have one on order just change the address to one I will send you and I will dispose of them properly. No need to go through the disappointment of getting one of these.


Of COURSE you had to put in on this !!!

Yet another great write up @mjag.


Hahahaha, the Iguana just cries out for attention.

Thanks brother :+1: