**Quick Question ** Hi everyone! I’ve looked everywhere for this noob inquiry/problem. I’m using an Aegis Solo w/Tobeco Supertank (0.5 Tobeco coils). I can usually get through almost 3 weeks on 1 coil by not chain vaping & I usually never go over 38 watts. Regardless of the type of juice, my last couple coils have lasted no more than a few DAYS b4 it tastes super gross burnt. Now, while I’m at work, I do keep my mod in my lunchbag in a refrigerator at work since I can’t carry it on me. When I have my 3 breaks throughout the 10hr shift, I grab my mod & quickly pop outside to get my vape on. (Yes I do me some nic!). Could this super climate change (vaping a cold mod/cold tank/cold coil & juice) from fridge to 70-80 degrees & hitting it a few times be burning my coils? Also, some posts claim you can “fix” a burnt coil. I don’t see how, but please help. I’m super broke for the next month & literally can’t keep wasting coils. Thanks for sticking w/me this far & plz reply.
[quote=“SlashFan, post:1, topic:5666”] I do keep my mod in my lunchbag in a refrigerator…
Firstly, Welcome to VC @SlashFan
Keeping your mod in the fridge definitely will make your VG thick, it won’t flow or wick the same as at room temp.
that may be the problem
As far as fixing a burnt coil, I can’t help you there. But I do wash / dry / reuse my coils (FreeMaxMeshPro)
Welcome to the VC @SlashFan, and I think @Rocky02852 covered it. If you are chilling your VG juice, it will thicken substantially, and I’m assuming you might be chain vaping when you get a break, which would make things worse. Repeated vaping, on a very thick, not correctly, or poorly wicking juice, will tend to make your coils run dry/drier.
Welcome to VC @SlashFan …
Thanks! I’m glad I joined. Ya know what you’ve said about the VG makes complete sense. There were times when I’d be hitting it & it felt like the airflow was closed all the way. It just wouldn’t flow right. I didn’t know what was up. I was worried I’d messed up my tank somehow, but it was the VG. That should’ve been obvious to me!
Ok- now I have 2 unused coils left & ive got to make those & the 1 I just put in last as long as possible. What’s your cleanse & reuse process?
And thank you so much for taking the time to reply.
Hi & thank you! I’m glad that I joined here.
Absolutely! You guys have been great. And I must admit, you’re right. I am taking longer hits with less time between them. I don’t vape like that when I’m not at work.
I think I’m going to enjoy this community. I’ve been vaping for about 3-4yrs & the only other 2 vaping forums I joined weren’t very kind to questions like this one.
Everyone that re-use’s their coils has a method that they like. Mine is: soaked, and occasionally agitated in Grain Alcohol for a day, then line them up in a saucepan, top(threaded side) down so bubbling action will carry debris up and out. Cover in water, and boil gently for 5-10min. Put them on a paper towel near where the sun can hit them, or a heater duct if possible, or really anywhere, for a day to dry. Ready to go!
@whthek pretty much summed it up. I used to soak coils in Vodka for a day after washing then rinse and dry, but I skip the vodka now that my Polish / Russian Wife caught on
I wash my coils before they’re spent or burnt and have probably hundreds in rotation, I wrap the cleaned wet coils in paper towels and put them in the back of my coil drawer, rotating them towards the front of drawer as I wash more, so they are usually drying for weeks before I get back to using them again.
I don’t have anything to add other than welcome to VC @SlashFan
Out of interest lets just say a freshly bought stock coil gives 10/10 for flavour after that major cleaning and drying process of spent coils how do they now score my guess would be 7 maybe 8/10 which actually wouldn’t be bad but I would imagine the process could only be done once and then a new coil would be needed?
Maybe 1 out of every 5 produce’s like new, for me. It depend’s how long you’ve run a coil before taking it out of service, and what type of flavor was put through it, too. Like @Rocky02852 say’s…
Once the mesh material has accumulated any shmegma, or turned black, washing doesn’t get rid of that, right. I think your in the ballpark at 70-80%, though I’ve re-used some that look really good, and had to take them right back out, and as you folk’s across the pond say…‘bin it’
Awesome, welcome to the VC forum @SlashFan so glad you could join us. It sounds like your question has been answered. I would like to add that sometimes you will get a crap coil that will burn out rather quickly. I have had packs of coils that sucked through and through.
Anyway, good luck man