Feeling sick, nausea

Hi. Im new to this group and hoping for some advice.
Started vaping in November 22. Pod Salt Ice menthol 20mg nic on Innokin Adept.
Was absolutely fine and did well.
Recently it has started to make me feel sick. Within minutes of my first morning vape i start feeling sick and it never goes away.
On the advice of my supplier i dropped to 10mg Nic but it has not helped.
I have read that it could be an intolerance to PG or VG and i know you can get varying strength combinations but i wonder if a small drop in either would make any difference.
Has anyone else experienced this and what did they do please


Welcome to vaping community, thanks for joining us :smile:

I’ve experienced some nausea when vaping high nicotine eliquid that said it goes away after a while.

Some people are allergic to PG and I believe the eliquid you are vaping is 50% PG and 50% VG so that could be it also, maybe try a higher VG liquid


Thank you


Welcome to the VC @Mooknight. As @Grubby it is typical to have that reaction if the NIC levels are too high. You had mentioned a possible PG allergy, which could also be possible. I personally can’t use cooling agents, so that’s on the table, and/or the brand of POD. I don’t know if you DIY or not, but even changing up to a completely different brand, or mixing your own could help.


Hi there. Thanks for that. I might look for an alternative menthol. I cannot do the fruit flavours, great to start but then i find them too sickly. Back to the shop i go!!


Hey VC fam,

I’ve been vaping for a good while now, but recently I’ve been dealing with something new—heartburn after vaping. It’s caught me off guard because I’ve never experienced this before. No matter what device or flavor I use, a few puffs and bam, heartburn.

Has anyone else dealt with this? Is it just a part of getting older, or could there be something else going on? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this one.

Keep those clouds coming,


@MisterSadister it’s a real thing, and for me, if I’m vaping lots of strong coffee flavors, or lots of heavy lemon flavors, it can happen. What are/were you vaping ?


Some flavours create an excess of saliva which is a trigger for the stomach to produce more acid to digest the food that the body mistakenly thinks is coming - not sure how to counter it but identifying which flavour causes it and avoiding them for a bit may help


At this stage it doesn’t matter anymore. I get it regardless of what I vape. The only common denominator is Super Sweet.


Ya that could be your culprit (if it is the only common ingredient).

You could try
Sweet candy uses Neotame as it sweetener

Flavorah may use neotame too but I have never been able to confirm (trade secret)

Neotame will never show up on an MSDS as so little is needed it doesn’t hit the threshold % to be in the msds - it is 8000 times sweeter than sucrose.