Delosi Tasting Notes / Single Flavor Tests -- SessionDrummer

Is the base/carrier you mean like the pg/vg? Sorry i am so new to all this. I got my premix from delosi. It has the vg/pg and nic all mix together. I went that route cause DIY is new and very overwhelming. To be honest i was just scared to mix it all so figure this would be the easy way for me. This is my first time try DIY. So not used anything besides delosi premix and their strawberry milk flavor.


No worries @heatbutterfly, it CAN be overwhelming at first, but you’ve got one HELL of a lot of seasoned veterans here, who’ve been through it, so THAT, should put you at ease.

Yes, exactly. Now first things first, we ALL have different tastes, so what tastes fine to me could taste NOT fine to you, so keep that in mind. I mixed my Strawberry Milk up at 10%, and it did present as a nice creamy, milky SB. I steeped mine for about a week, in small tester bottles. I too picked up some PG and VG from Delosi, and they worked out well, with no issues. Can you better describe the “bitterness” you were getting. On the beginning of the vape, only at the end ?


Many times, it can be easiest, to rule things OUT. Test another flavor with the exact same PG/VG/NIC, and make sure it doesn’t taste bitter (assuming same tank, coils, cotton, etc.). You can also try decreasing the flavor percentage to see if it was too HIGH for your tastes.


Thank you for all the help, Wished I found you all sooner. I get the taste of strawberry but not cream/milk taste. It might because I like more of a sweeter ejuice. My most go-to is like loaded and pancake house. Not really sure how to explain the bitter taste. But it leaves a very nasty after-taste and leaves my mouth dry. I figure that because of the 50/50 mix. I’m going to give the new premix that 80vg/20pg a try. Let it steep for a few days and go from there. It could be my taste buds are just used to them brands. I am a pretty picky vapor on flavors. lol But strawberry is my main one. Just never plain strawberry.


Might give that a try also. I kind of like peach and cream. But i think my down fall is that i love a sweet flavor.


Ahhhh wait a minute. If you are currently, or JUST trying to get off of commercial juice, that explains everything. Most of them are PACKED with sweeteners !!! Some people start out with quite a bit in their mixes just to get used to mixing, but as time wears on, most no longer use it.


@heatbutterfly don’t sweat it. YOUR tastes will tell you how sweet you need it. It does gunk your coils up, so less is more in that regard.


Yeah, no local vape shops and i don’t drive. So with this ban, I had to move to something to not go back to the nasty. But I’m thinking if the new mix is the same I might try a little sweetener. Cause I’m not sure if I will be able to stick to it lol. The struggles are real.


I just looked and I can’t find 3 ml testers from delosi anymore. Just as well. I don’t have anywhere to put them


Welcome to VC @heatbutterfly :wave: Glad you found us!


@Tmease looks like you’re right. Looks like 12ml is the smallest now.


I need to get this peanut butter. I need to find a good peanut butter to finish making these in vape form. The recipe is close except for the peanut butter.


Love those things!!!