Constant Sore throat

Hi all. Been vaping since November but from march ive had a sore throat and croaky voice. Have had a camera put down and theyve said no cancer there thankfully. Ive had to go back to smoking cos it hurts less and so now ive got the issue of giving that up too. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar situation and what they did. Thanks


What vape did you use? I find that vaping at higher wattage, therefore higher temperatures, tend to burn my mouth and throat. I simply turn down the wattage a bit and find what works for me.


troll account, posts like these are meant to be used in articles slamming vaping


@JoelSq it may be it also may not be

@Mooknight What changed in March did you try a different device/juice?? There may be something that you are sensitive to. I would suggest you look at what changed and maybe try a juice with less PG, a different flavour, less nicotine, different device.

It could be a number of things about all you can do is eliminate them one by one.

Good luck I hope you find the source rather than smoking your life away.


Glad you found us, @Mooknight :wave: There can be a bit of a learning curve required(for some of us) when taking up vaping. Both @woftam and @OldGoat bring valid point’s. When I started, I found certain flavorings to be the culprit, and later, a certain type of coil material caused the same issue. Bottom line is…none of us has croaked from vaping, and it’s worth the effort to get it sorted, and to put the butts back down! Good luck.


No trolling from me. Genuine post. Couldnt rate vaping more compared to smoking. Thought id found my alternative to smoking


I was on ice menthol 20mg 50/50.
Dropped to 10mg, no change. Changed to a different flavour and 6ml, no improvement.


Try changing the pg/vg ratio there are quite a few people that have a reaction to PG - you can thin a high vg mix with distilled water (.5 - 1% DW is roughly equal to 10% pg )


Further to it’s possible you are PG intolerant, those that go to a max VG mix to solve this as @woftam stated use Aqueous Glycerin, a VG + distilled water mix!

Aqueous Glycerin (AG)

This is basically VG with distilled water added, typically diluted with 20% of water. It’s much thinner than straight VG, but not as thin as PG. You would use this in place of PG. So if you’re going for a 70vg/30pg mix, use 30% AG instead of PG. Some people will make this themselves, or you can buy it for pretty cheap online.