I would concur Jim22. It took me 3 days to detoxify from low level arsenic poisoning and up to 12 days to expel the blood C0 and C02 levels from my body. During that time I was vaping 18mgs of nic to stay away from the cigarettes. I think it was day 15 that I woke up, took a hit off of my vape, then ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach… OMG was my head swimming from such a high level of nicotine! I now vape at 8mg. I think I go through enough juice to equal 1/2 a pack of smokes (I’m formerly a 3 - 31/2 pack a day smoker).
OMG!!! I just read the average cigarette has between 10-12 mgs of nicotine in it!!! 1 CIGARETTE!!! ONE!!! I could vape 100ml of juice and not hit that mark!!!
It is not important how much Nic a cigarette contains is it how much is absorbed by the body and you absorb far less than all of it
An average tobacco rod contains 10–14 mg of nicotine (Kozlowski et al. 1998), and on average about 1–1.5 mg of nicotine is absorbed systemically during smoking (Benowitz and Jacob 1984). Nicotine in tobacco is largely the levorotary (S)-isomer; only 0.1–0.6% of total nicotine content is (R)- nicotine (Armstrong et al.
so at the low end of 1mg per cigarette my intake would be 70mg’s per day at 3 1/2 packs. That would mean I’d have to vape 62mg of juice at 8mg to match it correct? If it is, I vape 30 - 40ml @8mg. That’s 8mg/100ml the way I make it. Does all of that nicotine I vape go into my bloodstream?
After all this time, I’ve never done the comparison. It really struck home with the 5% safer. the 2000% safer doesn’t take into account the lower levels of nicotine that I used and my friends who use to smoke use 6mg\100ml.
You would have absorbed somewhere between 70 - 105 mg of nic from your cigarettes to equal that with 8mg/ml of e-liquid you would vape somewhere around the 8 - 13ml of liquid to equal your cigarette intake and that is if you absorb all the nic from your e-liquid which I am unsure if anyone has ever measured the absorption rate.