Warning to anyone looking to get the Vapemons Gearbox, I ordered one for myself and 2 for a friend and they all have problems. Working with efun.top right now to alleviate this problem, they have been responding.
Problem 1 is mine came with a rusted gear that is used to change the settings.
Being an idiot I tried it before noticing the rusted screws in the battery compartment. The mod worked but did freeze up on me a couple of times, removing one battery and reinstalling it remedied that. Now that I see rust on the battery compartment screws it will never see a battery in it again.
My friend got both the green and white versions. His white is fine aside from the bottom magnet coming off the battery door, no rust to speak of.
His green looks fine but does not work, keeps showing short with any tank he puts on it. Had him make a video to send to efun.
3 out of 3 have problems and 2 are pretty much bricks.
Too bad as it is a cool looking mod but this is ridiculous.
Just the guy I was thinking about as all this was going down, figure I will send you one for dissection if I don’t have to send them all back. Would love the Mod Coroner to give us all the scoop
Just to update anyone following this saga after trying to get efun.top to do the right thing I finally had to file a PayPal dispute. Efun.top still tried the same shit, oh, we will give you a $25 credit to use in our store, is that ok and you drop the $120 dispute…no fucknuts!
Well after 4 months of BS PayPal today ruled in my favor, I will get a full refund and efun.top can suck it
Sorry it took so fucking long… But thrilled to hear PP made good!
Rightfully so! (And while I KNOW it’s been a MAJOR PITA for you, I greatly respect and appreciate your thoughtful attention and concern to such details.
I know that the “tools” (Craftsman) are NOWHERE near the quality that they were when they were made in the USA. So I can only imagine the things they’re doing with products intended for “more professional” use.
I am planning on sending it to the Mod Coroner (Sprks) once I get the credit in my acct and finish my taxes and stop crying for how much I had to send in.
The rusted one still works, the others are not rusted but don’t work. Gonna send him one of each so he can do his magic
There’s something I can relate to. I got raped again on taxes. Nothing like the U.S… Work your lifetime to feed and cloth crack addicts that will rob your home and kill your dog.