ATTENTION! Please read! RE: Downtime


We had to upgrade our storage, during this time we ran into a problem with SSL certificates meaning we had to wait 7 days before we could get a new one.

For a few days the forum will be hosted on the domain, then we can revert back to the original domain with a new SSL certificate.

Apologies for any inconvenience!

Please report any problems to an admin

Did you know we have a discord? Vaping Community

The quickest way to find out what is going on is to follow me on Twitter: @GrubbyVaping


Downtime tomorrow - 8th March 2022

Tomorrow I will be making the changes to revert the site back to its original domain name, and hopefully we will get a fresh SSL certificate.

I am expecting minimal downtime but if i run into any problems you can find out via Twitter or discord.

Thanks for your understanding and support over the last week


We are back on our old domain name, with a brand new SSL certificate :tada:

Rebaking posts now, should be done within the hour, any problems, please contact an admin

Edit: We should be back to normal now