What do you play?
you’re kinda limiting this with PC only, I’m a console Gamer, should maybe extend this topic to Gamers in general?..what do you think?
Done. I don’t even own a console though
Selfish lol
No u!
I use to play games back in the spectrum days but then grew up, I have tried to see what all the interest is about but although they are adult themed and granted superb graphics I just find playing computer/console games childish, probably makes me unpopular!
Each to their own
Quite agree!
Aah, the good old ZX Spectrum +3. Those were the days!
Jet Set Willy, now there was a game!
My first computer was the ZX81 with it’s 1K of ram!
I didn’t have my own back then but ‘the family’ had a zx spectrum, then an atari 800 (river raid ftw!) then an atari 520 st and amiga 500. Good old days they were.
Younger people think we had computers followed by game consoles but well before we had computers the size that made them affordable a top Christmas present would be a console with loads or preloaded sports games! Tennis, Football, Squash, Hockey to name just a few! Every single game was just lines and a dot with little difference between them but top entertainment!
Yeah epic!
The spectrum was released in 1982! So graphics took a giant leap forward when I was 11 just had to make sure I didn’t record music over the top of one of the game tapes!
Almost any FPS game on the PC, and maybe Halo on the Series X.
Same here, and then there was the Concord 64.
The Commodore 64 I thought!?