[ALPHA] [VCC] Vaping Community E-liquid Calculator - Bug Reports

Bootstrap 4 uses breakpoints to manipulate HTML elements in a responsive manner, each element has to have multiple classes to deal with different breakpoints.

For example, this would make the column 50% width and align text left on screens > 576px but 100% width and center the text on screens < 576px

<div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-12 text-sm-left text-center">Recommended Steep Time: 5 days</div>

I have to do this with pretty much all the HTML elements for every page :smile:

This could take a while… :upside_down_face:


Well that’s above my pay grade :crazy_face: but trying not to get Too far off topic, I just feel the need to say it’s very much appreciated all the work you put in, not just from myself but I’m sure from all the other mixers, and your quick response to bug fixes is just, let me say, exemplary :ok_hand:


Thank you, that means a lot :smiley:

I try my best to address bugs as quick as I can, especially the little ones that are just plain annoying

BTW thanks for the report, it is much appreciated :smile:


Thanks Rocky and Grubby! I had to highlight the ‘1’,delete it, then enter my amount(iPad) but I didn’t take the time to tell Grubby. :+1:t2: @Grubby really making this calc. a work of art,eh!


A visual example of this post:



As if you need more to do Grubster, on my old Galaxy S5 phone, if I go to my recipes in mobile view, I see this…

I cannot slide the screen or zoom out to see any other buttons.

However if I switch to Desktop view I see this…

I also have a Galaxy tablet, and it looks fine using mobile or desktop view.

I haven’t mentioned this because I usually switch to desktop view if on my phone. Because when I first used the calc, I couldn’t even see the “Set” button for the privacy settings. But something you did made that visible now in mobile view.


Try a click


Oh, duh. Yeah, that is NICE! lol.


@Grubby, was reviewing SSA’s Ice Cream, and was attempting to update the flavor notes, and could not find it in the “Ice Cream” list, and noticed when I attempted to sort by Company Name, the sort did not appear to be functioning correctly.

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All appears to be functioning for me mate. The flavours names sort the companies sort.

Are you hitting the button or just the general header area?

If it still doesn’t function try ctrl + F5 and try again but I cannot reproduce the error

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I see what it is @woftam, I was hitting the Sort Arrows, which do not alphabetize. Clicking the “Company” word, DOES sort correctly.

There DOES seem to be an issue with the directional sort arrows however. Here is an example. First, clicking the “Company” does sort, starting lower to higher alphabetized.

If you wanted a Company starting in “Z”, you would click the up/down (reverse) sort arrows, and the Z’s should be at the top of the list (i.e. reversed from previous), but look at the results…

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you are clicking the wrong one

The paired colours have the same function you can click the company name 2x to reverse the sorting or click the arrows on the right of the company name. Maybe they should be closer together

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Hehe, yup, that’s it.

Grubby’s to do list:

Make the arrows NEAR the Text Header DO the Text Header !!!

Thank you Simon.

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Nice work @Grubby! Big difference! Thanks :+1:t2:


Agreed, THAT should keep me from screwing up @grubby.


It’s pretty hard to screw it up when you have ALL that space to click, too used to zeroing in on the target :smile:


Ohhhhh, the whole CELL is clickable !!! No more hunting for the tiny arrows !!!


Yeah, tbf it’s not obvious if you are not used to them, hopefully the borders will help a bit :+1: