Who's Frying 8/4

It is hot but not abnormal for this time of year. If today was Thanksgiving, we’d have a problem.



Feels Like: 104°

Higher than ‘average’ but not more than we are accustomed to. Cool front coming in with rain tomorrow, supposedly.


Yeah… Looking forward to it too!
This 84°F at 1:30am is bullshit. (though we’ve had worse…)


|Mostly Cloudy||76°F


I peed outside several times during the rain event, so hopefully a little of me is also headed your way. :sunglasses:


It’s Februari, usually the coldest month of the year and it is 18 degrees Celsius.
Apparently there will be a repeat of last summers heat.


Holding true to the norms here at the moment.
30°F currently. Cold enough, but not bitterly so.


We’ve been in the middle of spring for the last three days or so it feels. I’m not complaining cause I hate the cold but it is pretty weird.


I just hope that we’re in line for some big storms this Spring. It’s been way too long. We had a nice run of reliably severe weather in the Spring that ended in 2011 or so and it’s been far too quiet the last few years. With this winter breaking from the pattern we’d seen over the last few years, maybe it is signaling a return to good old fashioned big storms again. Here’s hoping, anyway.


Still waiting to fry. Hell, still waiting to defrost. Thermometer outside read 2F this morning. Hello??? It’s March already…


No joke.

On top of that, I’ve got over two feet long, and over 1 inch thick icicles hanging from my awnings. Worse still? My water froze last night (and remains such)… sigh


Don’t blame you even the slightest! lol
Sounds like a good place to be to me! :thumbsup:

That’s no lie!! I feel that 5-6" long plate in normal conditions (thanks to the muscles that are supposed to be attached along that perimeter of bone), much less the screws that go through it into the bone…

I’m hoping/praying that it’s not my lines that are frozen, and it’s those that feed (from the mains)… But we’ll see. If we can ever get out of this frozen bullshit.



As my grandmother used to say “They better don’t!!” lol


Uh oh… you got the ones that Wismec uses to make their 510 assemblies? Yikes.


We never got above freezing today, so there’s zero chance that my pipes thawed. But I’m pleased to say (thank God) that I have water once again!
Obviously a local main was repaired today. :smiley:


That must’ve been really scary!
We had a few days of spring in February and then straight to autumn. Lots of rain and hard wind but nowhere near what happened there.


I was reading an interesting article on climate change just the other day the gist of which was we are all screwed - the interesting point that was made was that the sun is currently in a declining solar cycle yet here in Au we are seeing record heat waves (and around the world we are seeing super strong weather systems. The article predicted that when the next and subsequent solar cycles come around to their peaks then the really bad weather changes will start to show us how much we have killed our planet and most likely ourselves.



I love that stuff. Whichever “side” you’re on, I just have an impossible time believing that scientists, shamans, prophets, or psychics can actually predict trends based on a few hundred years of data at best. And data that can be manipulated or interpreted to fit any narrative. And add to that the fact that any collected data is nothing more than a microsecond’s blip on the radar of a climate that has existed for millions, maybe billions of years…

Anyone who can say This Will Happen is a total loon and a charlatan. And anyone who can blame any data on a century of human industrialism is doing so for profit and power only. Everyone is free to believe what they choose to of course, but look at who is saying what, and follow the money.

If anyone thinks I can burn a tire on my property and cause a hurricane in Florida, I’ve got a nice bridge for sale in a lovely New York neighborhood…


We’ll agree to disagree on this. As a dedicated skeptic I’m actually surprised you buy into this, Pipes. These are the sorts of discussions that can lead to hard feelings and resentment so we can cease if there’s going to be legit pissed-offedness. I’m fine but if it’s going to be too hot to discuss, we can nip it.

It wasn’t long ago, before alGore decided to line his pockets on our fears, we were being told that we were entering a potentially devastating cooling period. (1970’s). We were warned that great suffering and despair were afoot, as the climate would soon not be warm enough for plentiful crops. Famine, death, mass-extinction soon to come and we better act NOW!!!

We know how that ended.

Then along comes the prophet Gore and his pyramid scheme, this time with claims of the opposite! And this time, with data to prove it!!! Yikes, now we really were doomed!

Then comes the famous hockey stick graph. You know, the one that Al’s Minions defrauded us with by manipulating the data. The one that later proved the earth has been in a cooling cycle sine 1996 or so. He nearly succeeded in convincing us that we were hurtling towards Hades at a breakneck pace, and it was our own doing to boot. It had a name… AGW. Man Made Global Warming!!

When the truth about the numbers and the fraud became too great to ignore, AGW and indeed Global Warming itself was scuttled. The public was tired of it. So they re-birthed it under the name Climate Change. Ah, nice. Now we can stop talking about warming and encompass ALL climate events being the work of devious, evil humans and their lust for destruction and disregard for the environment. Now not only can we blame heat on the evil waterbags, but blizzards and storms as well. Excellent. Political machine back in business. Nice and (in)convenient indeed. But most of us still ain’t buying it. Fool me once, and all that…

There is no way- absolutely no way, as in zero percent chance, that a minuscule blip of human activity that is not even a moment’s tick on the clock of history is pushing this great blue marble towards doom. No way. Arrogant humans who think they have billions of years of history figured out and can drive the future are simply wrong. Wrong, wrong. And again, wrong.

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I’m not giving you approval or condemnation. I get to have an opinion, too. And your cartoon seems to smack the same tone of pettiness you’re telling me I’m engaged in. No worries from me.

I could, for instance, listen to just one side of an issue that affects all of us here- vaping.

I could read all of the literature put out by the government, BT, and BP that vilifies vaping and shows how bad it is for the public. I could then decide that they are correct, and that vaping is just as dangerous, nay more so even, than smoking. There is plenty of data out there that they use to support their position. And along with their position comes the call for regulation and elimination.

I could also, after digesting that side of the vaping ‘argument’, go in search of counter-information about vaping. I could read the studies and opinions that are presented here and elsewhere. Indeed, these arguments seem to show vaping in quite a good light. A safe, effective smoking cessation tool and a fun, harmless hobby. The folks on that side of the argument want nothing from us. All they want is proper information and clarification. But the government wants regulation, invasion of personal space, and erosion of freedoms. That’s a big red flag for me.

It is the same path as Climate Change. Those who are wringing their hands raw and shouting the loudest are the ones who stand to profit the most from it. Financially and power both. The government is telling me I have to give up my rights and my money to ‘fix’ the future, and there is NO other alternative. I and the rest of my fellow waterbags are doomed if we don’t take action. This, despite much evidence to the contrary, and the basic fact that their reasoning is fundamentally flawed by a nearly complete lack of supporting data.

So, in short, if the Government says there is only one side of the argument, and the result is massive erosion of freedom and personal wealth, I’m going to be rightfully skeptical.

See? Told you there’d be hard feelings. Not from me though…

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