[ALPHA] [VCC] Vaping Community E-liquid Calculator - Requests

@grubby, just tried to make a one shot for the first time, and noticed it is print only ?? Is there a way (I know, I know) to print OR copy to clipboard ??


Put your cursor in the box where it says amount to make and hit enter or change the amount and it will calculate on screen


@Grubby Req #3 from me… ok . so ive been using DIY Juice Calculator for my mixes, due to its ability to track inventory( not yet set all mine up) and to track steep times and more importantly print labels selected in avery drop downs. I’d LOVE to have that here. j/s (please?)


Inventory and steep notifications are being reworked.

Print labels eh… No idea what that means

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as in like this customizable print options to have my recipes stored in the calc, and print the labels from the same calc. currently I have some saved or created from ELR that I have to open in IE. >Copy in simple text to import into DIY Juice Calculator for tracking and label printing.


It might be possible but def not a priority, something to add to the “look into” list for later on


Sorry if I UN-officially created this thread, hehe, maybe it will just make more threads for @grubby to watch, respond to, but not my intent. Didn’t seem right to put some of these in the Bug Report thread.

I know that @grubby looked at the structure of Rod’s Juice Calculator XML @Tmease and it was completely different than the VCC’s so that would require an IMMENSE amount of time, and he’s busy working on everything else. To be fair, Rod’s Juice Calculator is an IMPRESSIVE piece of work and coding. He did a bang up job, and it does have label making/printing built in, which is a neat feature. I use it for my inventory levels and re-ordering, but print to my WIFI printer with their software. I should see if it is an option in the JC, just for giggles.


@grubby, this request isn’t critical, but would streamline the flow. When viewing a recipe, you can add all flavors to your stash or shopping list.

How hard would it be to add a Add to Shopping List on the actual flavor page ?

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