[ALPHA] [VCC] Vaping Community E-liquid Calculator - Bug Reports

That is sort of a bug but not what you think - the flavours have been imported and not recognised by the import see how it has (flavorah) in the name the import is hard coded to recognise flv - if you do a quick edit of the recipe so they match ours then it will allow add to stash - grubby is busy for a little bit today so when he sees this it will likely be sorted (perhaps not retrospectively tho)


What page is that? It’s more of a bug than a request.

Those are invalid flavours

Oh there you are grubby did you get beers? Should I mention capybara


Got me some beers and a capybara with monkey jockeys


Roger that Simon.

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OK @grubby, I see what’s going on. Makes sense, as I was going to ADAPT (why would I do this ?? !!!) one of Paul’s recipes, and noticed when viewing his recipe, I COULD add all flavors to my stash or shopping. Thank you for clearing that up.

@grubby, just checked with Firefox and Chrome both, comments box in recipes, dark text, over dark background. I made typos to show red underscoring of text…

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Fixed 10 chars

The textarea should be wider now

Awesome, fixed that, thanks for the report :+1:

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@SessionDrummer Does the textarea being wider help?

Invalid flavours NOW show in RED:


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ABSOULUTELY @Grubby . I’m outta likes, or I’d like the hell outta it.

Yes, thank you.

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@Grubby, whilst trying to clean up my flavors, I noticed a disparity in my flavor stash. When choosing my flavor stash from the User dropdown menu is appears correct.

But when clicking the button on my page, is empty (1 flavor).

The issue appears to be:

/myflavourstash/ is correct (from User drop down menu)
/flavourstash/ is empty (from button in my page)

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Thanks for the report! Looking into it now

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Found the problem and it should now be fixed :+1:

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Confirmed, thank you. :slight_smile:

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Recipe Flavor alphabetical sorting …

When fixing my flavors, noticed when viewing the recipe, the flavor sorting is reversed when comparing the entry screen to the summary screen.

It won’t stop me from mixing, but just noticed it.

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@grubby Save Base Values As Default working ??

Still fixing, but when fixing, set a default rate/percentage, etc., checked save as default.

After updating the corrected recipe, and moving onto next, none of the default values are loaded.

It’s only tedious when you are fixing a million recipes, and after updating it won’t update because all the values are back to 0.

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Ah, yes, that ol chestnut… I’ll take a look at some point, thanks

When did you import your recipes?

I put a fix in place that when you imported recipes it chucked in your defaults, possibly you imported before I did that, I will need to look into it but it’s late here 01:19 and I’m off to bed

Thanks for your reports

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