Welcome to VC @M88, @Notty1975, @Trx, @ZigZag-SVA, and @desbolark
Thanks a lot @Rocky02852
Good Afternoon All - Just wanted to introduce myself as new to VC. Let me start by assuring the Moderators that I have read the rules and guidelines, and will, of course, comply fully. I have been vaping about 5 years(?), and I started not to quit smoking, but as a side hobby to “other substances” that I was vaping at the time. The good news is that vaping has helped me quit “other substances,” and I no longer use nicotine (though I still have a 4 oz. bottle of LB CNT Liquid Nicotine 48 mg/ml), and I’ve quit alcohol too. I’m retired, and vaping is one of my top hobbies. I have a small selection of hardware (about 20 different tanks and RDAs, and about 8 mods I really like - more on that later). I seem to favor flavor chasing over clouds, and I seem to like restricted direct lung draws. When I started, I bought 4 different flavors from the Milkman line, and MM Vanilla Custard totally hooked me, though I found immediately that I didn’t care for chocolate vapes. I also knew immediately that I would mix my own juice, so I also have accumulated about 110 flavors, I mix by weight, and love custard and dessert vapes. I also “took a flyer” one time and ordered TPA RY4 Double, and discovered that I love dessert vapes with mild tobacco backgrounds too (more on that later). I found communities and reviews to be astronomically helpful, and I thank everyone that contributes to sharing knowledge and information. I hope to start a few topics, as I continue to learn to this day, and I look forward to participating in the community. Hope to talk to you more soon!
Welcome to VC, @CaptainKirk and congrats on all of your accomplishments
Wow man that’s some intro! Love it.
Welcome to VC sir, good bunch around these parts, so if you need any help then be sure to give one of us a holla
Well @CaptainKirk you seem pretty squared away already, and that’s great. Welcome to the VC.
Thanks for the welcome @whthek, @Steampugs, and @SessionDrummer. SD, I’ve been following your reviews for a while now, and found I like my Steamcrave Aromamizer Supreme V3s a lot - currently using the postless deck. I hope you folks won’t mind too much but a few questions have been burning in my tiny little head that may have obvious answers that I’m not aware of, so please bear with me. I’m looking forward to participating in the Community - pandemic isolation has been taking a toll! Best regards to all.
I’m always happy to hear that @CaptainKirk, and the Supreme v.3’s rock the flavor. Fear not, as you’ll get plenty of answers here.
Welcome to VC @CaptainKirk
Welcome to the V.C. @CaptainKirk, I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.
@Rocky02852 and @JimmyLee Thanks for the words of welcome - please to be acquainted also - very much looking forward to hearing your insights.
This is the first time I joined the VC forum, and I hope to communicate more about vape with you in the future, so that I can meet more friends!
Welcome to VC, @Sky
welcome aboard @Sky happy you found us
Welcome to VC @Sky
Thank you!
Welcome to the VC @Sky.
Welcome to the V.C. @Sky, I hope you like it here.
OK, thank you for your concern!
Hey Everyone…!
This is my first time on this forum. I dropped the smoking habit and replaced it with vaping. I love it. I am a complete noob when it comes to this stuff so bare with me.i have
a vaporesso and a aegis x. Hope i can find out some more information about this stuff or culture. Not sure what to call it because it seems to be more of a culture than just a
smoking alternative. Please if i offend folks be gentle im learning
Thank you for welcoming me to the forum, and I look forward to engaging with all of you!